This amazing climbing area is set in the hills above El Chorro facing north out over the picturesque turquoise lake of Gudalhorce. These mountainrange commonly known as Desplomilandia is a excellent playfield for the more experienced climber as most of the routes start at 6a. There is plenty to do for climber's looking for harder routes in immaculate rock and in a shady setting. Actualy there are more than 250 routes and the developing is still going on.










Unfortunately you need a car for the approach as the sectors are all about 14km from the village of El Chorro and Finca la Campana your accommodation, away. To approach Desplomilandia turn left after the damm and follow the winding road for 5km up to the lakes turn right at the T-junction and follow the lakeside trough a tunnel (El Mirador, nice Restaurant) pass the Kiosko restaurant cross the old damm first and then the two new one's and turn left at the roundabout. Another 2km and you will see the cliffs past a big quarry.


Desplomilandia is higher and faces north this makes it the ideal venue for hot days when it is not possible to climb in the sun. Buenasombra is in the shade all day long exept for a few hours in the morning in summer. However even in winter the crags are usually in perfect conditions. Watch out for some seepage after long rainy periods and climbing in the rain is possible at triangulo and buena sombra.




Sector Buena Sombra Desplomilandia


1Fran Sin' nata, Sport, 7b 2 Dolomiti, Sport, 7a+ 3 Lirón careto, Sport, 7c 4 Perseverancia, Sport, ? 5 Escombros, Sport, 5+ 6 Paquistani, Sport, ? 7 Aután, Sport, 5+ 8 Champion Leo, Sport, ? > 30m 9 Los zauden, Sport, ? L1: 7a; L1+2: 8a 10 Derribamitos, Sport, 8a > 30m 11 La golosa, Sport, 7c+ > 30m 12 A ella le gusta la gasolina, Sport, ? > 30m 13 El montepio de cretinos, Sport, ? > 30m 14 Escalador parásito, Sport, ? 15 El comité de sabios, Sport, ? 16 Las gálias, Sport, 7b+ 17 Judas, Sport, 7b 40m 18 El ruin de roma, Sport, 7c 40m 19 Viejos y puretas, Sport, 7a > 30m 20 Cosas caseras, Sport, 7a > 30m 21 Tarde Pero Perfecto, Sport, 6c+ 22 Yoghourt de coco, Sport, 6c # Comando escardillo, Sport, 6c+ # Hilando fino, Sport, 7b+ # Buena sombra, Sport, 6b+ # Alobeitor, Sport, 6b 23 Sin mantenimiento, Sport, 5+ > 30m 24 Provinciano marrano, Sport, 6c > 30m 25 Deboracuerpos, Sport, 6a+ > 30m 26 Menasatruá, Sport, 6a+ 27 Efecto secundario, Sport, 6a 28 Vaya pieza, Sport, 6a+ 29 El arco, Sport, 6b 30 Las cosillas, Sport, 7a 31 Las cosas de Mike, Sport, 6a+ 32 La pyme, Sport, 6a+

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